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Thursday, January 28, 2010

D0110 Dress

D0110 亮片抹胸洋装 Sexy Party Tube Dress with Sequin Lining

材质/Material: 棉/Cotton
颜色/Colour: 黑/Black
尺寸/Size: 均码/Average
胸围/Bust: 62 – 82 cm
衣长/Length: 61 cm
价钱/Price: RM 35 (SOLD)

D0065 Dress

D0065 俏皮可爱大U背带裙 Sweetie Big U Suspended Dress

材质/Material: 棉+聚酯/Cotton + Polyester
尺码/Size: 均码/Average
腰围/Waist: 76 cm
衣长/Length: 72 cm 可自行调节长度/Adjustable length
颜色/Colour: 黑/Black
价钱/Price: RM 40 送腰带/Belt included (SOLD)

* Due to popular demands, this dress has been restocked and is now available!

D0052 Dress

D0052 蝴蝶花深V领纺洋装 Printed Floral Deep V Dress

材质/Material: 雪纺纱/Chiffon
尺码/Size: 均码/Average
胸围/Bust: 90 – 100 cm
袖长/Sleeve:30 cm
衣长/Length: 75 cm
颜色/Colour: 黑/Black
价钱/Price: RM 33 (SOLD)

* Due to popular demands, this dress has been restocked and is now available!

Monday, January 25, 2010

C0019 Cosmetic + Skin Care

C0019 Skin79 The Oriental Gold Mini BB Cream東方美人流金迷你BB霜

优惠价/Promotion Price: RM 15

Why Skin79's BB Cream?
- Jolin Tsai uses it!
- 4,500,000 sold each year! 1 sold every 7 seconds in Taiwan!

* 100% authenticate and genuine brand guarantee product.
* Brand NEW and hot selling in Korea and Taiwan
* Made in Korea
* Condition: New

This gift is an excellent choice for anyone who want to try out skin79 before go for larger bottle.

1 x Skin79 The Oriental Gold Mini BB Cream (5g)

* Triple effect premium BB Cream with whitening, wrinkle improvement, UV interception SPF25 PA++.
* Keeps skin more resilient and brilliant with natural ingredients such as Gold, Flower Extracts, Leaf Extracts, Persimmon Extract, and Caviar Extract.
* Improves skin into glossy and sleek status, more completely protecting from exposure to harmful UV rays.
* Keep skin brighter and firmer.
* Keep skin healthy by protecting from outer harmful substances.

C0018 Cosmetic + Skin Care

C0018 Skin79 Super+ BB cream VIP Gold label 超级黄金加强版修颜BB霜

优惠价/Promotion Price: RM 85 市价/Market price: RM 179 (WM), RM 184 (EM)

Why Skin79's BB Cream?
- Jolin Tsai uses it!
- 4,500,000 sold each year! 1 sold every 7 seconds in Taiwan!

* 100% authenticate and genuine brand guarantee product.
* Brand NEW and hot selling in Korea and Taiwan
* Made in Korea
* Condition: New

1 x Skin79 Super+ BB cream VIP Gold label (40g)

* It is 3 effects functional beblesh balm; whitening, wrinkles improvement and ultraviolet rays interception SPF 25 PA++
* This product has excellent cover function by composition of make-up base and foundation. It can correct your irregularly different skin tones naturally and it makes your skin light, soft and flawless all day long.
* Abundant nutrition of Gold and Caviar extract cares skin intensively to make shinny, healthy skin.
* Use it proper quantity on the area of your face like patting at the last step of skin care

* 改善皺紋+美白+防曬+飾底乳+粉底+控油+保護肌膚+緊實+ 營養+保濕

* 适合肤色比较暗淡,表皮纹较多的皮肤
* 皮肤的分液多
* 由于环境空气的变化,损害皮肤
* 担心毛孔皮肤的问题


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

C0017 Skin79 Diamond BB Cream钻石美白迷你BB霜

C0017 Skin79 Diamond BB Cream钻石美白迷你BB霜

优惠价/Promotion Price: RM 15

Why Skin79's BB Cream?
- Jolin Tsai uses it!
- 4,500,000 sold each year! 1 sold every 7 seconds in Taiwan!

* 100% authenticate and genuine brand guarantee product.
* Brand NEW and hot selling in Korea and Taiwan
* Made in Korea
* Condition: New

This gift set is an excellent choice for anyone who want to try out skin79 before go for larger bottle.

1 x Skin79 Diamond BB Cream钻石美白迷你BB霜霜 (5g)
* It is 3 effects functional BB cream.
* Effective in whitening, wrinkle improvement cultivates more bright and elastic skin

C0016 Skin79 Super Plus BB Triple Functions SPF25 PA++ 桃花清透BB霜

C0016 Skin79 Super Plus BB Triple Functions SPF25 PA++ 桃花清透BB霜

优惠价/Promotion Price: RM 15

Why Skin79's BB Cream?
- Jolin Tsai uses it!
- 4,500,000 sold each year! 1 sold every 7 seconds in Taiwan!

* 100% authenticate and genuine brand guarantee product.
* Brand NEW and hot selling in Korea and Taiwan
* Made in Korea
* Condition: New

This gift set is an excellent choice for anyone who want to try out skin79 before go for larger bottle.

1 x Skin79 Super Plus BB Triple Functions SPF25 PA++ 桃花清透BB霜 (5g)
* Provides skin with various nutrients for bright and flawless complexion.
* Helps eliminate wrinkles
* Protects skin from being damaged by UV rays.

C0015 Skin79 Green Tea Mist Toner 綠茶活氧緊膚水

C0015 Skin79 Green Tea Mist Toner 綠茶活氧緊膚水

优惠价/Promotion Price: RM 45 (SOLD)

* 100% authenticate and genuine brand guarantee product.
* Brand NEW and hot selling in Korea and Taiwan
* Made in Korea
* Condition: New

1 x Skin79 Green Tea Mist Toner (60ml)

* Green Tea Extract excellent in convergence keeps skin fresh and refreshed by tightening widened pores and giving feeling of refreshment.
* Keeps damaged skin from harmful environment fresh by soothing is and supplying moist inside the skin.
* Whenever you feel dry after putting on make-up, you can spray it at any time
* After washing face, spray it from 20-30cm away with your eyes closed. Then tap it with your hand to make it absorbed.

* 綠茶萃取物擁有極佳的抗氧化物,可避免毛孔擴大。
* 舒緩肌膚皮,給予清新感覺,補充水份,收緊皮膚
* 含綠茶精華的抗氧化作用
* 含有抗氧化劑茶多酚,具有減緩因老化引起皮膚損害的作用。
* 含馬齒莧 等植物萃取精華,幫助修護敏感粗糙和乾燥皮膚,有助皮膚自我修復膚質,能對抗空氣中有害物質的傷害

C0014 Skin79 Triple Functions BB Cream

C0014 Skin79 Triple Functions BB Cream

优惠价/Promotion Price: RM 85
市价/Market price: RM 169 (WM), RM 174 (EM)

Why Skin79's BB Cream?
- Jolin Tsai uses it!
- 4,500,000 sold each year! 1 sold every 7 seconds in Taiwan!

* 100% authenticate and genuine brand guarantee product.
* Brand NEW and hot selling in Korea and Taiwan
* Made in Korea
* Condition: New

1 x Skin79 Hot Pink Triple Functions BB Cream (40g)

* It is 3 effects functional beblesh balm; whitening, wrinkles improvement and ultraviolet rays interception SPF 25 PA++
* This product has excellent cover function by composition of make-up base and foundation. It can correct your irregularly different skin tones naturally. At the same time by use of fine and soft texture porosity powder is excellent for your skin adhesion and sebum control.
* This is W/S shape which is good for skin affinity and it make your skin light, soft and dry all day without that skin gooey.
* Use it proper quantity on the area of your face like patting at the last step of skin care

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A0015 Necklace

A0015 Trendy Necklace

*以上由实物所拍/ Actual item photo

价格/Price:RM 6 each
* A0015a - Lady in Black - SOLD
* A0015c - Red Music Not - SOLD
* A0015b - Sitting Angel - SOLD
* A0015f - Big Love - SOLD
* A0015g - Cat in Frame - SOLD
* A0015h -
Cat in Frame
* A0015i - Doggy - SOLD
* A0015j -
* A0015k -

* A0015a - A0015h, by row and from left to right. For order, please inform us the code and colour that you are interested. Thanks.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A0014 Earrings

A0014 Trendy Earrings

*以上由实物所拍/ Actual item photo

价格/Price:RM 3 each pair

* A0014a - A0014m, by row and from left to right. For order, please inform us which pair you interested. Thanks.
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